Crystals and their disappearance

August 30th, 2012 → 1:19 am @

As we all know, crystals have been used for many years, in Healing, Love, Chakra healing, Protection, Creativity, Dreams, Money, Power, Good luck, Indicating birthstones and for all sorts of other reasons. They are very powerful accelerators of our minds and our will. There is much written about crystals and we can find this on […]



Mountain air / Pollution

August 20th, 2012 → 12:49 am @

Mountain Air. Smoke pollution. Having been in the lower Snowy Mountains, 2 years running, during the winter months, I appreciated the clean fresh air most of the time, even though I was very cold There were times when I suffered from congested breathing and at first I could not work it out, although it soon […]



Vitamins and minerals continued

August 10th, 2012 → 12:30 am @

Vitamins and minerals continued. I have broken my promise to publish more articles about foods, but there have been circumstances, beyond my control, that have stopped me from doing so up till now. I am working on these articles again now, so you will be greeted with better and even more information about your natural […]

