October 10th, 2011 → 1:00 am @

“Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”


Grapes are grown the world over and the varieties are endless. We have eating grapes and of course juicing grapes and wine grapes.

Fresh grapes are so lovely and refreshing. They are quite filling as well as they have a high carbohydrate value. I like them as a snack or small meal. Do not eat to many, when it is almost time to eat a large meal.

Make sure that grapes are ripe, when you choose them. If they are hard and very green (green variety), they are unripe. They should be yellowish to look at when they are ripe. The darker coloured grapes may be a little firmer to the touch when they are ripe.

Vitamins: C (H), K (H), A, B2, B3, B6.

Minerals: Copper (H), Iron, Manganese, Magnesium and Potassium.

Raisins are a dried form of grapes and when dried, the concentration of some minerals makes them very valuable as a snack food. However, do NOT combine dried fruits with nuts in the same meal. This is a bad combination. See book.


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