May 10th, 2012 → 1:20 am @

 “Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”


Turnips are a vegetable used all over the world. They belong to the brassica family, like cabbages. Even though the roots are eaten, often he best part of the vegetable, the tops, are discarded. These greens are very valuable like the cabbage greens. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, several times more than the bulbs. Small young turnips can be eaten raw, or put into salad, as they are quite sweet. I remember my younger days in Holland, where they were grown and we ate them heartily, as the farmers were harvesting them for dairy cattle feed during the winter. They were stored in large mounds, covered by soil and left to ferment. In the winter, when the cattle were housed inside a barn, the farmers used to dig them up and feed them to the cattle. They did smell a lot, but the cattle loved them and did well on that food, together with grass hay.

Vitamins: C, B6, B5, B9, B1, B3, B2.

Minerals: Copper, Manganese, Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium.

So remember next time you decide to use turnips, that the leaves are good to use and should be trimmed off the roots when you get home and used first, as the bulbs will last a few days. Trimming the leaves off the bulbs, will keep more goodness in the bulbs as well.


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