November 10th, 2011 → 1:35 am @

“Vitamins and minerals in food”


Pears, the European varieties, like apples are known worldwide and are a favourite fruit amongst a lot of people. They are versatile as a fresh produce and can be dried for keeping. Pear trees are a bit like the apple trees and bear fruit along their branches. Ripe pears are sweet and not tart like apples can be. There are many varieties of pears on the market, but many more have disappeared over the years, due to marketing strategies and handling qualities. In supermarkets, pears can be very hard and unpalatable, but pears will improve sometimes with a little shelf life, where apples are either ripe or not. Both apples and pears are often kept in storage for a long time under certain conditions and then ripened quickly for sale, when the prices are right. This again makes me say, eat fruit in season and not when the traders want you to eat it. You can never guess what the right season is from the supermarket shelf. You have to know or have to drive in the country and see for yourself what is growing at a certain time.

Vitamins: C, K, some of E, A, B1, B2, B6, B5, B9.

Minerals: Copper, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorous, Manganese and Magnesium.

Good source of carbohydrate and also fibre.

In a combination fruit juice they make the taste very sweet.


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