September 10th, 2011 → 1:40 am @

“Vitamins and minerals in fresh food”


Most of us have never seen dates grow and that is why I included this photo. We know what they look like in the dried form; they are very sweet.

Here we have another very valuable fruit, full of goodness. Dates are rich in Vitamins: B6, B3, B5, K and B2..

Minerals: Calcium, Manganese, Copper (H), Potassium and magnesium.

Dates are very high in energy, carbohydrates and dietary fibre.

So as we see, this fruit should be included in our diet, but beware of binging on them, because the sweetness is going to make you a big person and also the fructose and maltose, can be bad for you in high quantities,especially if you have cancer. Use dried fruits as a treat, rather than sweets from the shop.

Do NOT put dried fruits in with a fruit salad, as they do not digest well together. See my book. Neither should they be consumed at the same time as nuts. That is a very bad combination as well.


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